perm filename PARA[AM,DBL] blob sn#500065 filedate 1980-04-09 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Date:  9 Apr 1980 1447-PST
Subject: paragaraph
To: lenat at SUMEX-AIM
cc: csd.lenat at SU-SCORE

	The explanation project is engaged in research into the production of
good explanations from the reasoning history and knowledge base of an 
inference engine, as well as the design of a knowledge base schema that
facilitates such explanation capabilities.   A proposed knowledge base design
is being investigated which incorporates elements of both frames and semantic
nets, with a frame based reasoner backed by an underlying causal network which
is used for explanation and to facilitate frame gathering.  Present systems
include a static model of the user, which is used to generate different levels
of explanation depending on the expertise of the user.  The final version will
contain a dynamic model of the user, as well as an element of dialogue to
facilitate interactions.

Doug, I wasn't sure if this was the sort of thing you wanted, so I sent
it to you without fowarding it to Feigenbaum.  If this meets your 
approval, please foward it to him.